Leave No Trace
Follow the 7 Principles: Plan Ahead, Travel on Durable Surfaces (designated trails), Dispose of Waste Properly, Leave What You Find, Minimize Campfire Impact, Respect the Wildlife, and Be Considerate of Others
Follow the 7 Principles: Plan Ahead, Travel on Durable Surfaces (designated trails), Dispose of Waste Properly, Leave What You Find, Minimize Campfire Impact, Respect the Wildlife, and Be Considerate of Others
Several of the crags have designated trails to them, some have foot paths and others may need river crossings/boulder hopping. When in doubt be mindful of your impact and you may be rewarded with some blueberry picking along the way.
Pack out what you pack in. There are typically trash cans or dumpsters at trailheads to assist with easy disposal.
We have several large and small animals that frequent several of the crags in Alaska.
Remain Bear Aware (Portage, Seward Highway, Eagle River Nature Center, Chickaloon)
Hatcher & Service Boulder
All Other Climbing Areas
Moss & Lichen
There are several locals and frequent fliers who have assisted with developing these areas. If you feel the need to establish new routes please reach out on the facebook page or contact the author of several climbing guides in Alaska. He'll point you in the right direction or enlighten you that it's already been climbed.